How to return artworks or get a refund?

Your purchases on Artmajeur are 100% guaranteed, you have 14 days to return your work. 
  • The return request must be made within 14 days of receipt
  • Returns sent without a prior request will not be accepted
  • The works must be returned in perfect condition, in their original packaging

To get a refund
  1. Go to section: MY ACCOUNT> MY PURCHASES
  3. Select the works you wish to return, then validate
Then simply follow the directions on the screen, our team may contact you to specify the return instructions. You will be reimbursed by credit card or bank transfer once the artist has received the work. 

The return policy does not apply to the items below
  • Personalized orders, or commission works made specifically for you
  • Prints on demand
  • Virtual goods (licenses, active services, subscriptions, advertisements, etc.)
  • Special orders displayed with a specific return policy
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Help Center Message +33 (0)95 095 9966